
Haiku: The High Life

Photo Source: WikiMedia Commons
Photographer:  Philipp Weigell


life lived with passion 
new adventure everyday 
zest that feeds the soul


Written for Haiku Heights April Heights Challenge - Day 30: Zest.


Source: Wikipedia

Just up the lane, about two blocks
from the beach, hides an alley,
dark and foreboding. By day,
you'd no doubt walk right by, eyes
forward, as you follow sea-green scents
to the shore where flocks of gulls
frolic above the frothy surf,
and pewter sands warm in the sun.

Enjoy the surf, but at dusk, best gather yourself
and head home. The sea is eternal; she can afford to
squander time that you don't have to waste. As you
make your way back, eyes forward, make haste
past the alley that hides two blocks up.
Deep within its intractable darkness, in a box
just large enough to accommodate, lies Evil,
its immortal heart beating in anticipation of night, and you.


I'm participating in Wordle 54 on The Sunday Whirl. The challenge is to write a piece using the words below, taken from Blackberry by Sylvia Plath.

This is also linked in at dVerse Poetics - Vampires.


Haiku: Silence Swells

nary a whisper
no farewell or by your leave
echoes of you fade


Written for Haiku Heights April Heights Challenge - Day 29:  Echo (poet's choice)


Holding Court

Image: Prinzessin Hyazinthe
Alphonse Mucha, 1911 

Royal duty weighs heavy
on a young princess, especially 
one longing to whirl through the night
caught in the arms of her prince.

As the stench of sycophants
assaults her wrinkling royal nose,
she thinks to herself that holding court
is like holding cold fish, long dead.
A waltz fills the head
beneath her royal crown,
and satin toes hidden under
silk and brocade tap the 3/4 beat.

Fighting the smile that hovers
just behind her royal disdain,
she turns up the music
and dances away.


I'm joining in at Imaginary Garden with Real Toads, where the challenge is to an ekphrastic poem  (a decidedly unpoetic term) in response to a painting by the Czech art nouveau artist Alphonse Mucha (1860-1939).

Haiku: Political Sacrifice?

Photo Source: WikiMedia Commons

eyes clouded by love
he reveals himself a lech
clarity moves in

clarity moves in
just as health packs up and leaves
wisdom comes too late



Written for Haiku Heights April Heights Challenge - Day 28: Clarity.


Haiku: Dark Passion

 Photo Source: WikiMedia Commons

come to me, my love
temptation whispers my name 
how can I say no?


Written for Haiku Heights - April Heights Challenge, Day 27: Temptation


Haiku: Plein Air Ballet

Image Source: WikiMedia Commons
Photo by Michael L. Baird

taken by the muse
melody only she hears
seaside pas de deux


Written for Haiku Heights April Heights Challenge - Day 26: Melody.


Still Life with Pride

I heard today you had drowned.
Can't say I'm very surprised.
I knew the day would come when
Hubris would rise in your gullet
And choke reality to death.


Written for The Mag 114. Also linked at dVerse Open Link Night.