
Free Verse

(Source: image by Firedrop, WikiMedia Commons)

erase all the lines

coloring outside the box

freedom to be me




  1. And there is no finer freedom:) Loved this, Patti.

  2. A grand ending.Beautiful, Patti. it's been a joy reading your work.

  3. Lovely last line ~

    I wish you well Patti ~ Take care ~

  4. Very nice, and many thanks for visiting my blog. It's been great writing haiku daily with pictures.

  5. Nothing like being free to be yourself! Beautiful line :-)

  6. lines?
    what lines?
    you mean there were lines there?


  7. Probably the most important thing. Thinking outside the box. Thank you Patti for your many visits...much appreciated.

  8. Thinking outside the box that's the way to write haiku. It's such a small verse and you have to use so less words that you have to seek for other words to say it all.
    Wonderful haiku. It was a joy to read your haiku and your nice comments during this haiku journey.

  9. Freedom to be me. Who could ask for anything more? Love this!

  10. I love that. Great choice of image to go with the haiku. Thanks!

  11. Yes! to outside the box. I love this one, Patti; and the abstract water color is the perfect partner to your words.

  12. Ah permission to color outside the lines! I love it. Thanks for sharing your unique and original haiku all month and thanks for visiting me and encouraging my haiku efforts! I've enjoyed the ride!

  13. "Freedom to be me"...Small line...but echoes wide meaning!
    Beautiful one!

    Peace in prison

  14. erase those limitation!

    its been a pleasure reading your work

  15. LOVE! LOVE! LOVE! your haiku. We all color outside the box, each in our own way. Love your haiku that says it out loud.

  16. Beautiful. Full of meaning.


  17. "to be me " has said it all..loved it

    Was under the clutches of Viral fever and I scribbled the last haiku within minutes ( I know its very very bad)I just wanted to complete this challenge ...
    Many thanks for being a part of this amazing journey of HAIKU SEPTEMBER HEIGHTS...being a novice I tried to put in my best but I know at some or the other point I missed to hit the bull's eye and still all of you all inspired me a lot either by peeping into my space or liking my posts and of course your ever encouraging comments made me feel on the top of the world...Loads of special thanks to each one of you...September had been very exciting and a learning month for me...I know I need to improvise a lot and I shall try to do that for sure ...Thanks a lot once again...keep visiting and keep spilling your beans ..bouquets or brickbats all of them are accepted whole heartedly...

  18. That is a perfect freedom! It's not fun being places where you feel you have to act like someone other than your true self.

  19. What a joyful ending! I've enjoyed reading your poems this month! Thanks so much for all your comments!

  20. Thanks, Patti, I've enjoyed your haiku. Nice mingling with you:)

  21. I like the sentiments in this piece.


Thoughts? I would love to hear from you.