
Is there anything?

Is there anything lonelier 
Than the emptiness after someone has gone
No farewell,  no "see you soon"
One minute there, the next minute not, and you're alone

Is there anything sadder than knowing
How little your friendship meant
Easy to leave, easier to forget
Ended without regret

Is there anything worse than wondering
Was it something that you did or said
Or if it never mattered at all
Was the connection all in your head

Is there anything
That makes you feel
More like a fool
For caring?


This was written for One Shot Wednesday.


  1. Enjoyable if tinged with sadness; but we all share emotional experiences and can identify with the theme of your poem. Thanks for submitting via 1SW, always great to discover a new poet! Hope all is well,


  2. ugh, yeah i know this one...not a good feeling at all when they just disappearand you are left wondering....

  3. Possibly not, but if we don't go out, take risks - live!! - we're maybe more foolish.
    Lots of emotion in this. Great words.

  4. Know this feeling all too well. Losing a person doesn't mean losing the emotional
    Ties that go with them. Thanks for sharing this x

  5. Oh, so well expressed, and a very relatable topic. One would like to think "their loss!", but, still, it is a loss for oneself too. Good one, Patti.

  6. Lovely expressive poem

  7. Sad philosophy...true? One to ponder.

  8. Oh, that last stanza . . . it aches.

  9. Ah, been there. I am sure many have been. You do a nice job of elliciting your readers compassion for you Patti. If there is truth in your tale, I hope your heart heals soon.

  10. Rhetorical or not, I check off "No" after each question posed. Heartbreaking poem. Beautifully sad and very emotional. Well written, Patti.

  11. No..no ...no...yes!
    Been there, felt that... ugh.. how I hate to admit it!!!

    What a touching poem, Patti!! I was scared to read it through, lest I feel like an idiot for feeling so..
    (sigh)... thank goodness I snapped out though!!

    What an amazing write, my dear!! One of my favorites by you!

  12. Very poignant - but after all, better off without such an unfeeling person.

  13. I really identify with this! it is so sad to have a friend and then they are gone-Thanks!

  14. Oh yes. I used to have my mail delivered here.
    If not for the sad times, we wouldn't know the good...but oh how they hurt. Time to put on music, 'Everybody Hurts' by U2. Good, honest stuff...thanks!

  15. Nothing save the discovery it was all only computer trouble, and the friend is actually still there for you, and you didn't realize it.

  16. That photo is so perfect with that poem about a heart breaking moment. But loving is a good idea anyway.

  17. I do not think there is Patti, it is a lonely feeling and you are right about feeling like a fool...emotional write...bkm

  18. Gah.

    I'm allowed one wig-out a decade.

  19. These are the times ee head under a big cozy comforter with our hot cocoa, and a good book, lost in knowing that we did all we could. And know the salve of fuzzed time will heal, as much as it can be healed.

    Excellent portrayal of friendship lost, Patti. But perhaps only a door to a new friendship to gain?


  20. whoops, "we" head under a... that should read.

  21. bittersweet emotive poem, sad on many levels,,,

    nicely written --


  22. Aww... its so emotionally charged..
    thanks for sharing...

    ॐ नमः शिवाय
    Om Namah Shivaya
    Twitter: @VerseEveryDay

  23. a great piece, touching! :(

  24. This has happened to me more than once. And I'll admit I start to wonder if it's really me that's the problem! ugh.

  25. This one certainly hit home with me. I think that, often, people have no idea of the hurt they leave in their wake.

  26. The day I left I meant to say hey
    The emotions were just too great to pay
    Just thought I'd say..


  27. Hey Mom,

    Love this one! It's funny how you can sometimes tap into exactly what I'm thinking and feeling. Guess it's that mother-daughter connection we have.

    Love you!


Thoughts? I would love to hear from you.