
Bucko and the Road Kill

This is my offering for Velvet Verbosity's 100-Word Challenge. The prompt this week is "failed."


Bucko and the Road Kill

He stood looking at it, and frowned.  It wasn’t at all what he’d expected.  It just lay there completely limp and lifeless, doing a perfect imitation of road kill.

It hadn’t been cheap, and it was a luxury he couldn’t really afford.  But she had wanted it.   She had begged and pleaded, and he knew he wouldn’t get a moment of peace until he gave in. 

He thought again about the expense, and he grimaced at himself in the mirror.  “It was supposed to make you look younger. Well, it failed, Bucko.  It makes you look like an old fool!”


  1. The Girl is giggling over this one, and I see my grandmother in my mind

  2. I had to think about this one for a bit, and then suddenly I was all, "OH, I get it! Ahahaha!"

    Clever. Great tone.

  3. That's why I don't do road kill. :) I'll just take it all off before that.

  4. oh man...just say no to road kill...lol.

  5. great read...love it road kill..bkm

  6. Haha! It took me a while to get it, too, but I got there eventually.
    Very clever.

  7. AA: So glad you are giggling! But I'm hung up on the image of your grandmother. Is she the one begging or the one in front of the mirror?

    VV: I seem to have developed a talent for the ambiguous. There's something delightful about letting this group of highly creative people playing in our sandbox come to their own conclusions. Glad yours made you laugh. I suspect it was the one I had in mind.

    Cowboy and Brian: Good for you. Besides, the alternative is sexy, you know?

    Daft Scots Lass and bkm: Thank you. So glad you enjoyed it!

  8. A very clever and amusing write, it was a joy and a delight to read.

  9. Chloe: Thank you.

    Sam: You are so nice. Thank you for your kind words.

  10. Hah! Implication, I think, is your gold.

  11. This is a good one! I'm still laughing and envisioning the scene in my head. Thanks for the laugh.

  12. I can feel the emotion they're both feeling. I love how you made that come through so well

  13. Hilarious! Love all the comments too.

  14. Heh..."perfect imitation of road kill." Loved that line, and the whole scene.

  15. Gotta love/hate that toupée! (Love it for the hilarity it brings to life- hate it for looking and smelling like something that died on the double-yellow line).

  16. My dad wore a toupee for years.. and yes, it did look like roadkill. I worried about him losing on a windy day. I was so glad when he finally stopped wearing it.

    Funny take on the theme... loved it.


Thoughts? I would love to hear from you.