
Climbing Maslow's Pyramid*

Millions are hungry, thirsty, homeless, and sick.
Asking for little but the bottom.
And here I sit, sated,
Striving only for the pinnacle.

My heart weeps in guilt.


This was written for Sunday 160. Got something to say in 160 characters, including spaces?  Visit Monkey Man.


* If you aren't familiar with Maslow's pyramid:


  1. AA: Thanks. The video made me cry too.

  2. I can't begin to tell you how many times in my day I stop, look around and realize how lucky I am to be in my situation while others suffer. It makes me feel both guilty and grateful. Thanks for being a part of the Sunday 160 first anniversary.

  3. Haunting and profoundly sad. Their life of utter poverty an accident of birth as much as mine of great gifts. Neither one deserved. I get conflicted over this truth as to what I should do. I only have my life to live fully and myself to develop to the extent I can. And to behave compassionately toward those I meet.

  4. Oh! What a powerful statement in 160 characters! You are amazing.

  5. How very well put and touching and sad. You certainly used your 160 to speak volume!

  6. You are sooooo right. So many can't get the basic and with the economy downturn and people giving less people are in worse shape

    Love to ya and the gr8 160

    mine is here

  7. great job on the 160...i was sharing similar thoughts earlier today...honestly we want for little on the little we have that is so much to some...

  8. super 160...and so sad. I wish I could fix this problem!

  9. Thank you all for visiting and for your comments.

  10. Touching, honest and inspiring! Lovely..


Thoughts? I would love to hear from you.